Life-changing support in a few simple steps, get started with creating your Footprints today.
Step 1.
Intake form
Fill out the intake form to be matched with a clinic closest to you.
Step 2.
3D Scan
At your clinic appointment, a 3D scan or cast of your foot is taken showing a 360-degree view of your unique anatomy and biometric data points.
Step 3.
Prescription & design
A prescription for the orthotic is created, including all necessary modifications and accommodations depending on your unique needs. The scans are then sent to the FIT4 Lab, where they will be analysed by a licensed technician and carefully created into a unique design for the 3D printer.
Step 4.
3D Print
Your Footprint is 3D printed either in the FIT4 Lab or sent to print at the Clinic location. This step will take between 3-7 working days.
Step 5.
Your Footprint is now ready to be fitted and collected! Your clinician will always ask you to try your orthotics on before you leave to ensure a perfect fit.